Skills to help improve: Photography!

Skill #1: To help with blurry photos! Use manual focus to help improve the details in your photo. First you have to figure out what you want focus on once you found it press on the shutter button halfway. This will help tell your reader what you are trying to focus on and where you want their eyes to be drawn to.


Skill #2:To help with uninspired composition! When trying a composition technique you should remember the rule of thirds this will help your photos pop! In order to make something in the rule of thirds break down the photo into 9 equal parts and put a part of your image into each one. This will help create a new captivating photo.

Rule of thirds

Skill #3: To help with Sheepish Subjects! For this skill you will need to photograph the person, or thing at eye level even if that means getting low to get a picture of a child walking down the side walk or a pet sitting on the ground. But that also means that if you have a taller subject then you might have to get something like a foot stool or a ladder to help get a photo of it.


Skill #4:To help with washed out photos! Use as much natural light as possible! Even if you are inside look for a window that brings in the most light! And try to take photos during Golden hour to really get that “golden effect!”


I hope you have enjoyed these skills that myself as a beginner photographer have learned with the help of Master your photo skills with these 6 easy tricks

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