Learning something New!!

There are many photography bloggers that I believe that overtime I can continue to learn from a blogger that I believe is a great informative for photography is the blog Expat Journal: Postcards from the edge. A specific post that he made that I believe really stood out was the one titled; Photography 101: Not what but How you see in this post a quote that really stood out to me was “I am fortunate to visit many exotic locations that others only dream of but to others your location might be exotic.” I believe that this quote really stands out because as a beginner photographer I would love to be able to find a place that is considered exotic and take as many photos as possible, but what I need to realize is that others in this world find where I live to exotic and he describes exotic as being different. So when I see others are taking photos of things that I would skip over I should remember even though that tree, or park bench is so familiar to me it could be something so different to someone else. I believe that this blog is very informative on photography, to help photographers get the bigger picture and help change our perspectives of the everyday norm. He as a photographer is brilliant and I highly recommend checking out his blog! Expat Journal: Photos from the edge

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