A new blog to check out!

I am really starting to enjoy this website because I am able to reach out and see photos taken by other photographers and every time I look at someone’s photographs I am always amazed at their creativity. A blog that I’ve been able to observe who has such great talent is the blog named “Connecting beyond” the author of this blog is named AmyRose and her photography is at another level of creativity. Her attention to detail is so amazing a few of her posts that I really enjoyed reading one being titled Transcendental” the flowers on this post it seems as though you can see every little bit of it instead of just the flower itself. On this post she took a photo of one of my favorite flowers called the Bleeding heart and because the photo is taken so well you can see every little tiny detail that the beautiful flower comes with.

Bleeding hearts

Another post of hers that I really enjoyed reading is titled Ode to Mother and in this post she has taken photos of flowers and plants that have been covered in ice and just by looking at it not only do the objects look frozen because the photos are taken so well it feels as though the time is frozen as well. With each photo I can see every little detail of the ice that has entangled itself around the leaves and plants.

As a beginner I like to think that I am continuing to learn to focus on the detail of my photos so that I can give my viewers a chance to create a story in their minds when they look at my photos. Just like I am able to when I look at Amy Rose’s photography.

I definitely suggest everyone to check out her photography and to follow her on her blog which is

  • Colleen 🙂

Golden Hour!

When everyone thinks of golden hour we think of that perfect time just before sunset. When I was taking this photo I was on a cruise on my way to Bermuda and I found what I thought was the a similar photo to what I would consider the golden hour. It was right before sunset the sun was bouncing off the water just at the right time where the water was calm and the sun bright and vibrant. But as a beginner photographer myself I always believe that there is always a way you can improve on photography and I believe that for the golden hour this video gives great tips on how to set up the camera and when to finally take that shot.

Golden hour is probably one of my favorite times of day, but I do not always know when the right time to take that perfect photo but I think with this video and enough practice I think that eventually I might be able to take that perfect photo!

These are a few of my photos that I’ve tried to take at golden hour!

Learning something New!!

There are many photography bloggers that I believe that overtime I can continue to learn from a blogger that I believe is a great informative for photography is the blog Expat Journal: Postcards from the edge. A specific post that he made that I believe really stood out was the one titled; Photography 101: Not what but How you see in this post a quote that really stood out to me was “I am fortunate to visit many exotic locations that others only dream of but to others your location might be exotic.” I believe that this quote really stands out because as a beginner photographer I would love to be able to find a place that is considered exotic and take as many photos as possible, but what I need to realize is that others in this world find where I live to exotic and he describes exotic as being different. So when I see others are taking photos of things that I would skip over I should remember even though that tree, or park bench is so familiar to me it could be something so different to someone else. I believe that this blog is very informative on photography, to help photographers get the bigger picture and help change our perspectives of the everyday norm. He as a photographer is brilliant and I highly recommend checking out his blog! Expat Journal: Photos from the edge